JSO Mission Statement
The Joint Support Office (JSO), is an European Union funded project, managed by the European Commission, established “to support the management of the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation (INSC) in Ukraine”. Providing direct support to EC DG INTPA Nuclear Safety Unit from its office in Kyiv, the JSO is operated by Enconet Consulting Ges.m.b.H, Vienna (ENCO).
Since its establishment in December 2004, the JSO has played an instrumental role in supporting the EC and its Ukrainian Partners, in the implementation of annual programmes of projects aimed at achieving world class nuclear and radiation safety.
The JSO’s primary objective is to:
- Support the promotion of an effective nuclear safety culture, in line with the principles of the IAEA Convention on Nuclear Safety and in compliance with the provisions of the Euratom Treaty
This objective is achieved through the provision of expert support to the European Commission and the involved Ministries and State Agencies of Ukraine. In undertaking its responsibilities, the JSO works in direct cooperation and maintains excellent working relations with all Beneficiaries, End-Users, Contractors, and other key stakeholders of the INSC Programme for Ukraine.
The JSO’s mission is to provide a continued contribution to sustainable improvement within the nuclear sector of Ukraine, through adherence to the principle objectives of INSC, namely:
- the promotion of an effective nuclear safety and radiation protection culture and implementation of the highest nuclear safety and radiation protection standards, and continuous improvement of nuclear safety, including the promotion of transparency of authorities in non-EU countries in decision making processes relating to the safety of nuclear installations;
- responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste and the decommissioning and remediation of former nuclear sites and installations, including the promotion of transparency of authorities in non-EU countries in decision making processes;
- establishing efficient and effective safeguards for nuclear material in non-EU countries.
Dave Corbett,
Director, JSO